Improving Indoor Air Quality Essential to Curbing the Spread of Deadly Viruses

Indoor Air Quality Featured on 60 Minutes
In a new 60 Minutes episode released on October 29, 2023, they explored what the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us about preventing the spread of potentially deadly respiratory infections and utilizing indoor air quality monitoring systems.
Because we now know that viruses like the one that causes COVID-19 can travel through the air much farther than six feet, public health advice focusing on social distancing, handwashing, and masking wasn’t enough. Air quality scientists say that from the start of the pandemic, they should have focused on improving the air we breathe indoors.
In this 60 Minutes feature, Airthings indoor air quality monitoring devices were highlighted as one simple solution to improving indoor air quality and curbing the spread of viruses.
Airthings for Business: The Complete IAQ Solution
Airthings for Business from Ductmate provides the complete solution to improving the health and well-being of your building and its occupants.
Ductmate offers the Airthings Space Hub, Space Pro, and Space CO2 Mini devices to building owners to help map out issues within their facilities and target the root causes of poor air quality and energy inefficiency in their buildings. These three products can be configured to meet the needs of virtually any small to medium-sized commercial or institutional structure, including schools, offices, hospitals, and more.
Depending on the product, Airthings devices monitor particulate matter (PM), carbon dioxide (CO2), airborne chemicals (VOCs), temperature, and more, as well as its virtual sensors that monitor occupancy and virus risk. When paired with the Airthings dashboard, you can monitor data remotely in real time and make smarter decisions to improve your indoor air quality and energy efficiency levels.
Understanding Your Virus Risk
The Airthings devices use virtual sensors to calculate virus risk by a room’s CO2, temperature, and humidity levels. From there, the device ranks the virus risk as a score out of 10. Understanding your virus risk is critical when ensuring the indoor air quality inside your building allows for spaces where people thrive, but viruses don’t.
With a new strain of COVID on the rise and flu season starting, it is more crucial than ever to prioritize indoor air quality and curb the spread of deadly viruses.
Where Can I Buy Airthings?
Ready to buy Airthings? To purchase the Airthings for Business solution, please contact Ductmate customer service at 1 (800) 990-8459.